Delete Record

POST /mpi/v1/deleteRecord/{source}/{identifier}

Deletes a record using a source system and identifier.

Path Parameters

source string

This represents a source system with an internal means of identifying data.

identifier string

The unique identifier of the record within the source. This will be stored directly in the Identity service (not hashed or encrypted), so consider what kind of identifiers are suitable to your use case.

Response Data

changedPersons collection

List of persons changed by the operation. string

The stable identifier for this person used across records (“Person ID”).

changedPersons.records collection

The constituent records that represent this person.

changedPersons.records.source string

A source system with an internal means of identifying individuals.

changedPersons.records.identifier string

The unique identifier of the record within the source. This will be stored directly in the Identity service (not hashed or encrypted), so consider what kind of identifiers are suitable to your use case.

changedPersons.version integer

As records are added or removed, this version number will be incremented.

changedPersons.status object
changedPersons.status.code string

One of: Active or Retired. A record is retired when the original record has been superceded by new record(s).

changedPersons.status.supercededBy collection<string

If the person’s constituent records were merged into another person, this will contain the id for that person.

If the person’s constituent records were split into two or more persons, this will contain the ids for those persons.